Signal Conditioning Cards

Keynes Controls manufactures a range of signal condition cards that can be used for a wide range of applications. The cards can be used to monitor voltage, strain gauges, load cells, temperature sensors etc ...

The cards can be supplied with an optional USB media converter. The media converters support the SDI12 and RS485 networks. The media converters can power the sensor interface cards directly from a PC USB Port

Intelligent Signal Conditioning

Intelligent Strain Gauge / Load Cell Interface

Keynes Controls design and manufactured single channel 24 bit Strain Gauge / Load Cell Interfaces supports 120 / 350 / 500 Ohm Gauges

incorporating SDI12 and RS485 Communications Port and optional RTD temperature sensor.  Full, Half and Quarter Bridge Support.


Part Number :  NP-1-STRAIN-SD485

Load Cell
Load Cell
Load Cell
Foil Strain Gauge
Strain gauge load cell

Thermocouple Interface

Part Number : NP-2-THERM-SD486-X where X = Thermocouple Type

Keynes Controls manufactures 2 channel 24 bit Intelligent thermocouple cards supporting sensor types J, K, N, T, S, B, R.

The cards support SDI12 and RS485 digital communications. The interfaces are fully integrated into the free issue Q-LOG applications software that enables the User to make Configuration Changes, Display Real-time measurements in Charts and inside Panel Meters, Store results in CSV format text files for easy analysis.

Thermocouple sensors
Thermocouple temperature sensor
Thermocouple sensor
Thermocouple temperature sensor

Single Channel Voltage Input cards

Keynes Controls design and manufactured single channel 24 bit Voltage input cards. The interfaces incorporate both SDI12 and RS485 Communications Port and support an optional RTD temperature sensor.  The cards can be used with many different 3rd Party Data Loggers. A range of optional USB interfaces are available to connect the cards to a Windows PC.

All of the the Voltage input cards are supported by the Q-LOG Data Acquisition Applications Software

Part Number : NP-1-VOLT-SD485-X where X = Range 50 V/10 V / 5V / 250 mV / 50 mV